
Ultimate Singles @ Genesis 8

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Winners - Upsets

Top 64

Score Upset Factor
Marss (23) 3-1 Kola (7) 3
Marss (23) 3-0 Panda | ESAM (10) 2
Glutonny (9) 3-2 bc | Cosmos (8) 1
Lui$ (17) 3-0 Gackt (16) 1

R2 Pools

Score Upset Factor
AC (67) 2-0 Tweek (3) 10
SHZ | Big D (59) 2-0 Moist | Maister (6) 7
Monte (117) 2-1 Elegant (12) 7
LAN Hero | Peckham (143) 2-1 MuteAce (15) 7
Mystery Sol (108) 2-1 BMS | Raflow (21) 5
Yep (214) 2-0 moxi (43) 5
IluZ | Nicko (100) 2-0 PAR | Scend (29) 4
JoJoDaHoBo (165) 2-0 Vendetta (37) 4
Lov | CC | Fzekan (339) 2-1 Zenyou (83) 4
SaltySam (383) 2-0 Smallleft (127) 3
EWA | Vai (391) 2-0 Kyros (135) 3
YashClifBar | latios (431) 2-1 Krune | Enarmonía (175) 3
Biggymouth (142) 2-0 PPA | Ikan (78) 2
MK/MP | BigBoss (41) 2-1 APLE | Jake (24) 2
605 | SKITTLES!! (47) 2-1 Liquid | Atelier (18) 2
AK | Niko (93) 2-0 WIZ | AndresFn (36) 2
ES | Ib (591) 2-1 Lorulian (335) 2
Shangrai (481) 2-1 VR|BSC | Nexus (225) 2
Dynomyte (468) 2-1 ACE | X'avier (212) 2
LKA | Sticccy (171) 2-0 Chronos (86) 2
JoJoDaHoBo (165) 2-0 NAKAT (92) 2
FORT | Cless (163) 2-0 Mystearica (94) 2
Monte (117) 2-1 Oryon (76) 1
IluZ | Nicko (100) 2-1 AK | Niko (93) 1
Kurama (39) 2-0 CLG | VoiD (26) 1
Mystery Sol (108) 2-1 Red Rooster/ET | EKING (85) 1
Paragon | Myran (35) 2-1 Anathema (30) 1
AC (67) 2-1 Colorondo8 (62) 1
Nth | Nao (77) 2-1 APLE | Syrup (52) 1
Vikerkaar (238) 2-1 CSE | Nito (147) 1
Fancy (550) 2-1 BOAT (422) 1
Smoona (499) 2-1 Kusa (270) 1
LAN Hero | Peckham (143) 2-1 ES | Nitox (114) 1
APLE | JeJaJeJa (144) 2-1 Versed Ace (113) 1
Marvelous_Marco (136) 2-0 4o4 | omega (121) 1
DIV3 | Rocke (132) 2-1 ven (125) 1
Biggymouth (142) 2-0 Tuskin | NaetorU (115) 1
jaredisking1 (146) 2-0 Phuzix (111) 1
UTDe FRKS | Kazma (158) 2-1 Jahzz0 (99) 1
CSE | Nito (147) 2-0 DMG | Lavish (110) 1
Plum (480) 2-1 TFL | Ishimi (289) 1
BOAT (422) 2-0 HH | Jericho (347) 1
Baren (424) 2-1 sujia (345) 1

R1 Pools

Score Upset Factor
Yume (1936) 2-1 DRiP | Gidy (97) 8
Dynomyte (468) 2-0 Solary | Leon (45) 7
MzT | Sin (562) 2-0 SNB | takera (50) 7
Plum (480) 2-0 Larry Lurr (33) 7
TZL | G0ldenPSI (433) 2-0 Rina! | Echofire (80) 5
emblasteon (441) 2-1 Klaatu (72) 5
FS | exJORDANary (447) 2-1 KirbyKid (66) 5
YashClifBar | latios (431) 2-1 GLS | Razo (82) 5
RNG | Cagt (630) 2-0 RSN | RAMBOSS (118) 5
Saltlord (841) 2-0 Leo D. Haki (184) 5
Lundissimo (1256) 2-1 Rich Brown (232) 5
MOON (1719) 2-1 bc | ApologyMan (329) 5
El Captain (1768) W-L PPA | Burst (280) 5
EWA | Vai (391) 2-1 Ludo (122) 4
Zeldafan (1949) 2-0 rDNA (494) 4
TFL | Conch (808) 2-1 Nitro (217) 4
Karp (788) 2-1 Bonren (237) 4
choestar! (1542) 2-0 SSB | Saboteur (507) 4
LXY (1628) 2-0 Hideaway | Mitch07 (421) 4
AnThran (1560) W-L Monarch (489) 4
TNP | Spice (814) 2-1 Mystic (302) 3
Frenzy (759) 2-1 Pokeout (247) 3
Yume (1936) 2-1 MTM | Tonik (609) 3
LXY (1628) 2-0 925 | 925BurgerFlipper (604) 3
AnThran (1560) W-L Jesse (536) 3
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 BB | Akuga (449) 3
SBD | Rosé (1525) 2-0 Justn (501) 3
El Captain (1768) W-L LTS | Saul (745) 3
DEFCON (1751) 2-1 ZiLLA (728) 3
Makaveli (1674) 2-0 Ghostwolf (650) 3
Sheepagator (1068) 2-1 Natron (556) 2
AgentFFF (1144) 2-0 DCG | countchief (632) 2
JoyconBoyz | Jigga (1129) 2-0 FONC | John SSGSSUI Hyper Redux (617) 2
HoH | HLX | Spookings (1247) 2-0 MPG | JL (735) 2
Mickey (1173) 2-0 Sloth (661) 2
HH | Jericho (347) 2-1 Banana Boy (166) 2
polka (353) 2-0 TWI | VaLoR (160) 2
Shaveh (354) 2-1 Jumpsteady (159) 2
Age (373) 2-0 Ace! (140) 2
sujia (345) 2-0 KRU | rydra (168) 2
Katar (379) 2-0 IZI | Enki (134) 2
Yume (1936) 2-0 Enツ (928) 2
Lucca (1821) 2-1 pklazer (798) 2
ØWL | Tree (764) 2-0 paperTechnician (261) 2
LgS | IanSchÜ (700) 2-0 PKraiden (325) 2
Rov (725) 2-1 OSU | Terra (300) 2
Rjbc | WINE-O (710) 2-0 ORPH (315) 2
ØWL | Pastor (657) 2-0 MT | Chocoboo (368) 2
CG | HAZYYYY!!! (664) 2-0 willb (361) 2
Oats (706) 2-0 Xaria (319) 2
PCS | D3adNess (651) 2-1 RVNT | BF | | Alsoda (374) 2
Frenzy (759) 2-0 Hazmatt (266) 2
WS | Emdap (667) 2-1 Rey (358) 2
Kapricorn (715) 2-0 Navilence (310) 2
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 HLX | Camo (576) 2
Bullish (1467) 2-1 bifi (582) 2
Izziibel (1488) 2-1 Machrineith (561) 2
SBD | Rosé (1525) 2-0 g (524) 2
Qrow (1337) 2-1 COUP | KY (712) 2
MC | MC P0L0 (1365) 2-0 Press (684) 2
Spenji (1341) 2-0 Mu (708) 2
vincom2 (1402) 2-0 El.lozer1 (647) 2
Karia (1394) 2-1 Pixel (655) 2
Liar (1391) 2-0 GEM | Manmanboz (658) 2
Toucan (1313) 2-1 Mervloso (736) 2
Velvicet (1297) 2-0 Maradona (752) 2
Burgundy (1396) 2-1 irock194 (653) 2
BRAVO | Jbrav (314) 2-1 SPARKLE (199) 1
Liquid | Hungrybox (279) 2-1 GWW | IRIS (234) 1
Puresalt (317) 2-0 player 4 (196) 1
$$$ (262) 2-1 8Bit | Nabster (251) 1
xYosher (277) 2-0 Virus (236) 1
EVR | Everest (271) 2-0 Stark (242) 1
TFL | Ishimi (289) 2-0 Mr.MojoRisn (224) 1
FS | TCTH | NU | SETHsational (258) 2-0 WAF | AMOGonza (255) 1
Dr. Iggy (272) 2-1 Wey (241) 1
PositiveW (278) 2-0 ~King (235) 1
Lov | Quillo (295) 2-0 PladMan (218) 1
Jiggly (1062) 2-0 TheDragonChip (987) 1
Kiodahawk (1060) 2-1 tEy (989) 1
Pancho (1091) 2-1 KaZe (958) 1
Dantacus (1143) 2-0 Lynx (906) 1
Red9 (1116) 2-1 Jay Are (933) 1
Bry (1104) 2-1 BYS | Chesnut (945) 1
CLWK | SoJo (1078) 2-0 AlmoJo (971) 1
Deighta (1045) 2-1 CoKo (1004) 1
JayRed (1054) 2-1 Rudy900 (995) 1
CockerelKing (1077) 2-0 Miopanda (972) 1
Sir C (1128) 2-0 APLES | brandy (921) 1
RCM | sundown (1146) 2-0 Jiac (903) 1
Tetra (1138) 2-1 Wirsun (911) 1
Sheepagator (1068) 2-0 Gator Kidd (981) 1
boshy (1029) 2-1 Gartato (1020) 1
soyacan (1048) W-L hibiscus | Glaceon (1001) 1
Brighter (1105) 2-0 Derpington (944) 1
Kimo (1119) 2-0 davecreate (930) 1
Shido (606) 2-0 OAK | Big Sean (419) 1
EWA | Spyre (608) 2-0 Freckles (417) 1
RNG | Mewd (585) 2-0 TuneR (440) 1
JoshuaGC (540) 2-1 sickasheck (485) 1
BlueRay (553) 2-0 Blah (472) 1
Fancy (550) 2-0 DHB | IggyNieves (475) 1
GShark54 (568) 2-0 MkVicente20! (457) 1
Zerker (533) 2-1 Chubs (492) 1
Chachi (586) 2-0 joh (439) 1
MzT | Sin (562) 2-1 Δℵ | Yellow (463) 1
GOOF | Bluejoy (565) 2-0 EMW (460) 1
HK | Skylock (558) 2-0 Disamis (467) 1
Natron (556) 2-0 MOTH | Strike (469) 1
Vanguard (595) 2-0 Porkaye (430) 1
KLeS (599) 2-0 MrG (426) 1
GAZE|NDZ | Epic (537) 2-0 CoolBeans (488) 1
ZT | Hydroguy (514) 2-1 Navi (511) 1
JEFFsoBOMB (528) 2-0 Dumpy (497) 1
A | | Future Doctor (534) 2-0 Benjy (491) 1
Fail Whale (1826) 2-0 dishboy (1246) 1
HLX | ID | Cade (629) 2-1 USC | elJando (396) 1
RNG | Cagt (630) 2-0 Dimitrov (395) 1
fwazalaza (521) 2-0 Roo (504) 1
MTM | Tonik (609) 2-1 ONGOB | Koda (416) 1
AW | Katz (552) 2-0 J. Co (473) 1
Abadah (1684) 2-1 GH | Agnis Karl (1389) 1
4Churros (1211) 2-1 Yarnuh (838) 1
Zeldafan (1949) 2-0 NSFC | S. P. Sour (1043) 1
Mats (1757) 2-0 Wade (1315) 1
DDY | Joster (1750) 2-0 Jett The Jenga God (1322) 1
Z-NIX (588) 2-0 Claw (437) 1
ES | Ib (591) 2-0 JP (434) 1
Mr Hokckey (1130) 2-1 Pega (919) 1
FOODICORN (1064) 2-1 Serafile (985) 1
Vajmuas (1152) 2-0 INO | skipmueller (897) 1
Zeal (1140) 2-0 Mattchu (909) 1
MBRN | Africanbatman (1033) 2-1 PB | Chococrow (1016) 1
nightwing (1125) 2-1 Pucci (924) 1
A_N (1122) 2-0 HH | L0RD KN33ZUZ (927) 1
Radohrog (1061) 2-1 Kensen (988) 1
kav (1025) 2-0 Haram (1024) 1
Falgar (1039) 2-0 Re: HeRo (1010) 1
Darksilence (1145) 2-0 Liudacris (904) 1
Ephex (1099) 2-0 toddman (950) 1
Kusdo (1157) 2-1 ethan (892) 1
TSG | Mecha (1277) 2-0 Chooch (772) 1
Stagmoe (1191) 2-1 FlatHead (858) 1
Mamba (1204) 2-1 Uncle Sam (845) 1
LPD | Counter (1185) 2-0 RSN | Kopter (864) 1
Thepinkdemon (1253) 2-1 Booty (796) 1
Jasoona (1255) 2-1 Bajabberwabbers (794) 1 | NessDan (1226) 2-1 Bubbleyumm (823) 1
0-2! | rekt_dim (1184) 2-1 RiceRoo (865) 1
meme (1267) 2-0 AKG | AzteKZZz (782) 1
WORMS | lolnice (1266) 2-0 Seab (783) 1
Lundissimo (1256) 2-0 RAW | NeverPullOut (793) 1
PvE | AnotherOne (1172) 2-0 HD | NanditoTheBandito (877) 1
Lynx (1210) 2-1 Texas (839) 1
YouLesbianGirlMeToo (1263) 2-0 15SA | Ryuteki (786) 1

Losers - Upsets

Top 8

Score Upset Factor
Glutonny (9) 3-1 Sparg0 (2) (out @ 3rd) 5
Glutonny (9) 3-0 Moist | Light (4) (out @ 4th) 3
Paragon | Myran (35) 3-2 Marss (23) (out @ 7th) 2
Glutonny (9) 3-1 Kola (7) (out @ 7th) 1

Top 64

Score Upset Factor
NVR | yonni (75) 3-1 Moist | Maister (6) (out @ 25th) 8
PPA | Ikan (78) 3-2 bc | Cosmos (8) (out @ 17th) 7
PPA | Ikan (78) 3-1 Panda | ESAM (10) (out @ 25th) 6
Aaron (65) 3-2 Cryme | Chag (13) (out @ 13th) 5
Oryon (76) 3-2 Gackt (16) (out @ 25th) 5
NVR | yonni (75) 3-2 Lui$ (17) (out @ 17th) 4
Aaron (65) 3-1 Moist | Goblin (22) (out @ 33rd) 4
Panda | ESAM (10) 3-0 Tweek (3) (out @ 33rd) 4
jaredisking1 (146) 3-2 Dark Wizzy (48) (out @ 49th) 4
NVR | yonni (75) 3-2 Skyjay (31) (out @ 33rd) 3
Oryon (76) 3-0 605 | SKITTLES!! (47) (out @ 17th) 2
PPA | Ikan (78) 3-1 Kurama (39) (out @ 33rd) 2
PPA | Ikan (78) 3-2 Solary | Leon (45) (out @ 49th) 2
Kola (7) 3-0 Liquid | Dabuz (5) (out @ 9th) 1
sisqui (27) 3-2 EMG | Riddles (20) (out @ 13th) 1
Aaron (65) 3-1 SHZ | Big D (59) (out @ 25th) 1
MVD (34) 3-2 LVD | BassMage (28) (out @ 25th) 1
MK/MP | BigBoss (41) 3-2 FURIA | Fatality (25) (out @ 25th) 1
LVD | BassMage (28) 3-1 Liquid | Atelier (18) (out @ 33rd) 1
IluZ | Nicko (100) 3-1 plan-B | Lancelot (87) (out @ 33rd) 1
MK/MP | BigBoss (41) 3-0 Anathema (30) (out @ 33rd) 1
Aaron (65) 3-1 Sonido (63) (out @ 49th) 1

R2 Pools

Score Upset Factor
EWA | Fizzmint (268) 2-0 Elegant (12) (out @ 7th) 10
Kiodahawk (1060) 2-1 ven (125) (out @ 17th) 7
Machu (169) 2-1 APLE | Jake (24) (out @ 5th) 6
LKA | Sticccy (171) 2-0 moxi (43) (out @ 5th) 4
Oryon (76) 2-1 BMS | Raflow (21) (out @ 5th) 4
? (435) 2-0 Tuskin | NaetorU (115) (out @ 13th) 4
Mickey (1173) 2-1 Death Arcana (309) (out @ 17th) 4
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 Weisa (384) (out @ 17th) 4
J.R Howl (795) 2-0 8Bit | Nabster (251) (out @ 25th) 4
NoTag (145) 2-1 naitosharp (49) (out @ 5th) 3
LNR UCI | Ignaize (153) 2-1 CM | Stroder Ame (57) (out @ 5th) 3
BOAT (422) 2-1 Banana Boy (166) (out @ 7th) 3
MYD | PeW (101) 2-1 Vendetta (37) (out @ 7th) 3
MoDzai (128) 2-1 Larry Lurr (33) (out @ 9th) 3
APLE | Yrneh (510) 2-0 FORT | Cless (163) (out @ 9th) 3
jaredisking1 (146) 2-0 SNB | takera (50) (out @ 9th) 3
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 Shangrai (481) (out @ 9th) 3
YMCA (220) 2-0 NAKAT (92) (out @ 13th) 3
TFL | Ishimi (289) 2-0 DRiP | Gidy (97) (out @ 17th) 3
DE | Justice (503) 2-1 Justin22 | Justin22 (183) (out @ 17th) 3
Meeks (583) 2-1 BRAVO | WhiteFang (250) (out @ 17th) 3
Defacaz (676) 2-1 9Volt (253) (out @ 17th) 3
J.R Howl (795) 2-1 HH | Jericho (347) (out @ 17th) 3
russellsprowts (1284) 2-0 TFL | Zetami (484) (out @ 25th) 3
ZERX (757) 2-1 Virus (236) (out @ 25th) 3
Kiodahawk (1060) 2-1 FG | VenomAZ (452) (out @ 25th) 3
NVS | Nyxis (820) 2-1 Ish (301) (out @ 25th) 3
Nth | Tsubotsubo (61) 2-0 PAR | Scend (29) (out @ 5th) 2
Legit (126) 2-1 Colorondo8 (62) (out @ 7th) 2
NoTag (145) 2-1 LVD | Suarez (81) (out @ 7th) 2
IZI | Enki (134) 2-0 ZD (70) (out @ 9th) 2
KRU | Smirk (186) 2-1 R1 | Hakii (90) (out @ 9th) 2
Yep (214) 2-1 RSN | RAMBOSS (118) (out @ 9th) 2
Lov | CC | Fzekan (339) 2-1 Tyranks (179) (out @ 9th) 2
Dynomyte (468) 2-1 ScioN (205) (out @ 9th) 2
LNR UCI | Ignaize (153) 2-1 Klaatu (72) (out @ 9th) 2
Saltlord (841) 2-1 MkVicente20! (457) (out @ 13th) 2
FS | exJORDANary (447) 2-0 Splash Daddy (194) (out @ 13th) 2
APLE | Yrneh (510) 2-0 BobbyWasabi (195) (out @ 13th) 2
Puresalt (317) 2-1 Remi (189) (out @ 13th) 2
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 Zandomo (577) (out @ 13th) 2
Dr Keane (842) 2-1 Tashi (394) (out @ 13th) 2
Oats (706) 2-0 Shaveh (354) (out @ 17th) 2
UCSD | Sphinx (680) 2-1 Crimsym (281) (out @ 17th) 2
JoJo (283) 2-0 Mitsu (187) (out @ 17th) 2
[0.0]n11ChaN^.^ -L- wOw (288) 2-1 Felix! (192) (out @ 17th) 2
Tomrod (633) 2-1 Fusion (313) (out @ 17th) 2
ØWL | Tree (764) 2-0 PKraiden (325) (out @ 17th) 2
HNC | Bry (446) 2-1 I LoveLean!!!! | LEANMONSTER (254) (out @ 17th) 2
Zandomo (577) 2-0 APLE | Phresh (257) (out @ 17th) 2
EWA | Fizzmint (268) 2-1 716 | iModerz (172) (out @ 17th) 2
A | | Future Doctor (534) 2-0 Ave~ (267) (out @ 25th) 2
KiraFlax (495) 2-1 Stark (242) (out @ 25th) 2
!7777777777777 | 77, 77, 777, 77, 7 777 7 (997) 2-1 ROCKE | Masklink12 (508) (out @ 25th) 2
DE | Justice (503) 2-1 GWW | IRIS (234) (out @ 25th) 2
Tomrod (633) 2-1 FGFC | Fillie (360) (out @ 25th) 2
Dr Keane (842) 2-0 MrG (426) (out @ 25th) 2
Liquid | Atelier (18) 2-0 MuteAce (15) (out @ 5th) 1
MP | RockMan (106) 2-1 CG | UCI | T3 DOM (74) (out @ 5th) 1
IZI | Enki (134) 2-0 Mazer | Cyro (123) (out @ 7th) 1
TLOC | Brr (98) 2-0 BMS | Neeroz (95) (out @ 7th) 1
EWA | Fizzmint (268) 2-1 OSU | Domnique (204) (out @ 9th) 1
BOAT (422) 2-0 JoJo (283) (out @ 9th) 1
Kyros (135) 2-1 Juanpi (103) (out @ 9th) 1
NoTag (145) 2-0 Versed Ace (113) (out @ 9th) 1
Mika (465) 2-1 Lov | Infamous (336) (out @ 13th) 1
TZL | G0ldenPSI (433) 2-0 Hubba Bubba (305) (out @ 13th) 1
AFK | H.3.K (197) 2-1 VCA | Purple~H (188) (out @ 13th) 1
MzT | Sin (562) 2-1 PsY (498) (out @ 13th) 1
KRU | Smirk (186) 2-0 Ludo (122) (out @ 13th) 1
Versed Ace (113) 2-1 Rina! | Echofire (80) (out @ 13th) 1
Smallleft (127) 2-1 KirbyKid (66) (out @ 13th) 1
Rickles (299) 2-0 Skylar (246) (out @ 13th) 1
willb (361) 2-0 Z (216) (out @ 17th) 1
player 4 (196) 2-0 ES | RyuKai (157) (out @ 17th) 1
Zeldafan (1949) 2-0 WCU | Boltz (1454) (out @ 17th) 1
FS | exJORDANary (447) 2-0 Veltrum (287) (out @ 17th) 1
PsY (498) 2-0 Lorulian (335) (out @ 17th) 1
APLE | Yrneh (510) 2-1 BRAVO | ishtaria (323) (out @ 17th) 1
~King (235) 2-0 Tyrant (182) (out @ 17th) 1
MzT | Sin (562) 2-1 NOW THAT'S A KATANA (399) (out @ 17th) 1
Splash Daddy (194) 2-1 Jumpsteady (159) (out @ 17th) 1
MOTH | Strike (469) 2-0 Age (373) (out @ 17th) 1
AgentFFF (1144) 2-0 Flufftea. (984) (out @ 17th) 1
Dr Keane (842) 2-0 Frenzy (759) (out @ 17th) 1
? (435) 2-0 Kusa (270) (out @ 17th) 1
WAF | AMOGonza (255) 2-1 CnF | SpamCop (162) (out @ 17th) 1
sujia (345) 2-0 Rich Brown (232) (out @ 17th) 1
Blooangel (1514) 2-0 Tcat (1015) (out @ 25th) 1
kav (1025) 2-1 BF | JReal (993) (out @ 25th) 1
Mamba (402) 2-1 Wajie (370) (out @ 25th) 1
EVR | Invictus (662) 2-0 Dimitrov (395) (out @ 25th) 1
Jett The Jenga God (1322) 2-0 Bubbleyumm (823) (out @ 25th) 1
Kapricorn (715) 2-1 Vegeta (470) (out @ 25th) 1
Lamsauce (1011) 2-1 Aqua (531) (out @ 25th) 1
PsY (498) 2-0 Kaden (274) (out @ 25th) 1
Blane (388) 2-0 J.R. (356) (out @ 25th) 1
Lammers (398) 2-0 Haarsnow (366) (out @ 25th) 1
Mr Hokckey (1130) 2-1 Lynx (906) (out @ 25th) 1
chickncup (547) 2-1 AXE | jenghi (451) (out @ 25th) 1
Flufftea. (984) 2-1 NF | Wimmi (713) (out @ 25th) 1
DDY | Joster (1750) 2-1 WAF | #Fuego (1079) (out @ 25th) 1
Suit (1199) 2-1 Rat (946) (out @ 25th) 1
Zandomo (577) 2-0 Freckles (417) (out @ 25th) 1

R1 Pools

Score Upset Factor
Tcat (1015) 2-0 Pokeout (247) (out @ 5th) 4
AnThran (1560) W-L Monarch (489) (out @ 5th) 4
KDS | Art (1169) 2-1 MT | Chocoboo (368) (out @ 7th) 4
Winter Wind (1353) 2-1 bc | ApologyMan (329) (out @ 13th) 4
WINGU | BeanZ (899) 2-0 StellarMod (382) (out @ 5th) 3
USC | elJando (396) 2-1 Ace! (140) (out @ 5th) 3
ShAD | Bandit (1124) 2-1 OAK | HUEVOS (413) (out @ 5th) 3
Jasoona (1255) 2-0 Nitoqueen (487) (out @ 5th) 3
FOODICORN (1064) 2-0 J. Co (473) (out @ 7th) 3
HHAXi (1581) 2-0 Champagne Papi (724) (out @ 7th) 3
BRGR | PILOT (822) 2-1 Navilence (310) (out @ 7th) 3
Sumika (1575) 2-0 Mediocre (730) (out @ 7th) 3
ninja (1851) 2-1 Mu (708) (out @ 7th) 3
Deighta (1045) 2-0 Chubs (492) (out @ 7th) 3
MOTH | SCRUNGO_ (1100) 2-0 Claw (437) (out @ 7th) 3
azrael (1701) 2-1 BTM | Peon (603) (out @ 7th) 3
Gartato (1020) 2-0 paperTechnician (261) (out @ 9th) 3
WAF | Xekra (1208) 2-0 TuneR (440) (out @ 9th) 3
CVII | Lenheim (1928) 2-0 NS | Nowi (659) (out @ 9th) 3
Twilight | SpicE (1909) 2-0 BRON | Chains (634) (out @ 9th) 3
Rivern (1881) 2-0 925 | 925BurgerFlipper (604) (out @ 9th) 3
C-live (1845) 2-0 Romeal (566) (out @ 9th) 3
HOM | GGG | Marill Streep (1198) 2-1 Porkaye (430) (out @ 9th) 3
chuwii (1839) 2-0 GAZE | Bad (560) (out @ 9th) 3
ninja (1851) 2-1 LK | Emfrald (573) (out @ 9th) 3
HK | Tempest (1421) 2-0 Redacious (397) (out @ 13th) 3
jicmagik (1775) 2-0 Maradona (752) (out @ 13th) 3
Café | Croissant (847) 2-1 JP (434) (out @ 5th) 2
SBD | morc (515) 2-0 Jackie Peanuts (259) (out @ 5th) 2
russellsprowts (1284) 2-0 LightSpeed (765) (out @ 5th) 2
Dumpy (497) 2-0 Wey (241) (out @ 5th) 2
Aqua (531) 2-1 DRiP | Drago (275) (out @ 5th) 2
Bullish (1467) 2-0 SL | NSD | Rayynz (699) (out @ 5th) 2
Uu (1032) 2-0 2E BBoiz | coming4toe (520) (out @ 5th) 2
WCU | Boltz (1454) 2-0 Vanguard (595) (out @ 5th) 2
Evil Bez (1473) 2-0 VanishDoom (705) (out @ 5th) 2
J.R Howl (795) 2-0 XenoRose (486) (out @ 5th) 2
Natron (556) 2-1 OSU | Terra (300) (out @ 5th) 2
Pinhead (852) 2-1 RCS | Ruff! (429) (out @ 5th) 2
WRLD | WIP | Champ (1291) 2-1 HeelBubz (523) (out @ 5th) 2
Blooangel (1514) 2-0 TCM | Spiderivas (746) (out @ 5th) 2
LPD | Counter (1185) 2-1 EWA | Spyre (608) (out @ 5th) 2
Mr Hokckey (1130) 2-0 KillaBranFlakes (618) (out @ 7th) 2
UCI | arascrub (1003) 2-1 Benjy (491) (out @ 7th) 2
Greed (1450) 2-0 k-os (682) (out @ 7th) 2
Drecgoon (1796) 2-1 Gartato (1020) (out @ 7th) 2
ZorosOcean (1484) 2-1 bunko (716) (out @ 7th) 2
Flufftea. (984) 2-0 Blah (472) (out @ 7th) 2
JayRed (1054) 2-0 Apocalyptic (542) (out @ 7th) 2
Starry | Prince (1601) 2-0 Uex (960) (out @ 7th) 2
Bry (1104) 2-1 8-bit | dansdaman (592) (out @ 7th) 2
!7777777777777 | 77, 77, 777, 77, 7 777 7 (997) 2-0 sickasheck (485) (out @ 7th) 2
Rxullo (1072) 2-0 TFL | Skrawk (721) (out @ 9th) 2
Punchy (1150) 2-1 FlamingBox (643) (out @ 9th) 2
Uu (1032) 2-1 DUEG | Neonradish (761) (out @ 9th) 2
Sumika (1575) 2-0 MetalMusicMan (807) (out @ 9th) 2
PEPIS | Slime (860) 2-0 Hideaway | Mitch07 (421) (out @ 9th) 2
HHAXi (1581) 2-0 Tavi (813) (out @ 9th) 2
BurTahPur (1604) 2-0 Super Friends | Brandon (836) (out @ 9th) 2
Slick (1123) 2-1 Skydra (670) (out @ 9th) 2
.wav | Scorch (1223) 2-1 IC | MoMo (570) (out @ 9th) 2
RCM | sundown (1146) 2-0 El.lozer1 (647) (out @ 9th) 2
RAW | NeverPullOut (793) 2-0 CoolBeans (488) (out @ 9th) 2
Noboru (1729) 2-0 SB | Strawberry (962) (out @ 9th) 2
Darkstar (1790) 2-1 Gigatitan (1023) (out @ 9th) 2
SE | Lanturn (1067) 2-1 Hylian (726) (out @ 9th) 2
JV3 | Jerry (1935) 2-0 HH | L0RD KN33ZUZ (927) (out @ 13th) 2
ken123103 (1959) 2-1 Haram (1024) (out @ 13th) 2
Disamis (467) 2-1 Mystic (302) (out @ 5th) 1
KRU | Kaweeta (965) 2-1 CnF | T.Jay (709) (out @ 5th) 1
DDY | Joster (1750) 2-0 UCM | SAD (1495) (out @ 5th) 1
Δℵ | Yellow (463) 2-0 Panda | Kantrip (306) (out @ 5th) 1
Game 3 (1276) 2-0 chenboy3 (773) (out @ 5th) 1
Mamba (1204) 2-1 ØWL | Kranky (948) (out @ 5th) 1
Nish (695) 2-1 joh (439) (out @ 5th) 1
Makaveli (1674) 2-0 Aris (1418) (out @ 5th) 1
PvE | AnotherOne (1172) 2-1 Yasu (916) (out @ 5th) 1
Gcamp (784) 2-1 JEFFsoBOMB (528) (out @ 5th) 1
ColdWeatherr (642) 2-1 JOHN MAN (386) (out @ 5th) 1
pekwek (884) 2-1 Dirty Dan (628) (out @ 5th) 1
DE | Justice (503) 2-0 Hazmatt (266) (out @ 5th) 1
Support | Neo (450) 2-0 Xaria (319) (out @ 5th) 1
Karp (788) 2-1 XBerZerkX (532) (out @ 5th) 1
meme (1267) 2-0 AKG | AzteKZZz (782) (out @ 5th) 1
kav (1025) 2-0 Paulo (769) (out @ 5th) 1
Ryan! (910) 2-0 SRS | Exzaeveyur (654) (out @ 5th) 1
Flexecution (862) 2-0 Shido (606) (out @ 5th) 1
sans. | Moose (675) 2-0 OAK | Big Sean (419) (out @ 5th) 1
Pancake (844) 2-1 Z-NIX (588) (out @ 5th) 1
Jpeg (856) 2-1 Ferro (600) (out @ 5th) 1
Machrineith (561) 2-1 SAB | Tim (464) (out @ 5th) 1
DDRMASTERM (692) 2-1 jab (436) (out @ 5th) 1
Dr Keane (842) 2-0 Chachi (586) (out @ 5th) 1
Sir C (1128) 2-0 Volt (872) (out @ 5th) 1
Johnnylaw (701) 2-0 baobaozu (445) (out @ 5th) 1
MrG (426) 2-1 Jaaahsh (343) (out @ 5th) 1
Falgar (1039) 2-1 Seab (783) (out @ 7th) 1
kaijuking (900) 2-1 Sandyballz (637) (out @ 7th) 1
Suit (1199) 2-0 Smymo (943) (out @ 7th) 1
Tcat (1015) 2-1 free agent | bobert (522) (out @ 7th) 1
Ryan! (910) 2-0 eikyuu (627) (out @ 7th) 1
Laure (1426) 2-0 SwankyDoodle (914) (out @ 7th) 1
Arwen (1593) 2-1 Qrow (1337) (out @ 7th) 1
SB | JayPuppy (1094) 2-0 Yarnuh (838) (out @ 7th) 1
Punchy (1150) 2-1 Kamekameha (894) (out @ 7th) 1
Rxullo (1072) 2-1 LMG | Torch (816) (out @ 7th) 1
Amigo (1260) 2-0 CoKo (1004) (out @ 7th) 1
J.R Howl (795) 2-0 Hobo40 (742) (out @ 7th) 1
Karia (1394) 2-0 Sage (882) (out @ 7th) 1
Nahiku (763) 2-0 SSB | Saboteur (507) (out @ 7th) 1
CrimsonShadows (815) 2-1 Fepooshi (722) (out @ 7th) 1
MrMaan (1582) 2-1 LivelySprouts (1326) (out @ 7th) 1
Krow (925) 2-1 RBG | Sceptile (612) (out @ 7th) 1
TickleFatty (1229) 2-0 mits (973) (out @ 7th) 1
C-live (1845) 2-0 Stiyg (1334) (out @ 7th) 1
russellsprowts (1284) 2-0 Chooch (772) (out @ 7th) 1
HOM | GGG | Marill Streep (1198) 2-1 lumen (942) (out @ 7th) 1
BRAVO | Braediac (959) 2-1 TCM | Krustol (578) (out @ 7th) 1
Knewb (1814) 2-0 11 | cowopera (1303) (out @ 7th) 1
aka | Ryuku (1242) 2-1 Peter (986) (out @ 7th) 1
NuXuN (1725) 2-0 TPFH | Gilly (1214) (out @ 7th) 1
WINGU | BeanZ (899) 2-1 NSD | Tricki3 (638) (out @ 7th) 1
PretzelStix64 (1875) 2-0 GH | SeDiKK (1110) (out @ 7th) 1
ØWL | Kranky (948) 2-0 somecallmetim (589) (out @ 7th) 1
ikari (1160) 2-0 Liudacris (904) (out @ 7th) 1
Goziz (770) 2-0 Nuhuh (767) (out @ 7th) 1
Gcamp (784) 2-1 Nobi (753) (out @ 7th) 1
Lil Razzle (775) 2-1 DGZ | Sei Li (762) (out @ 7th) 1
WORMS | lolnice (1266) 2-1 Re: HeRo (1010) (out @ 7th) 1
Farquad (893) 2-0 Senpai (644) (out @ 7th) 1
CVII | Lenheim (1928) 2-0 123VideoGamerNinja (1171) (out @ 7th) 1
Uzo (1201) 2-0 BYS | Chesnut (945) (out @ 7th) 1
davecreate (930) 2-0 TolerableZero (674) (out @ 9th) 1
Lynx (906) 2-1 Ghostwolf (650) (out @ 9th) 1
PTOA | Re: | willy_wikerson (1361) 2-1 Derpington (944) (out @ 9th) 1
Karia (1394) 2-0 Wirsun (911) (out @ 9th) 1
MOON (1719) 2-0 CNST | dreamland (1097) (out @ 9th) 1
Meister (1827) 2-1 Mr. J (1501) (out @ 9th) 1
Mark$$$ (1825) 2-1 damndaniel (1503) (out @ 9th) 1
McClappin (968) 2-1 COUP | KY (712) (out @ 9th) 1
Bomb (832) 2-0 HLX | Camo (576) (out @ 9th) 1
ZorosOcean (1484) 2-0 NVR | AntiNexus (821) (out @ 9th) 1
TurbulentSid (1919) 2-0 WAF | Big Boi (1403) (out @ 9th) 1
Boblematic (1873) 2-1 [BRGY] | Pinto (1453) (out @ 9th) 1
Burgundy (1396) 2-1 Mattchu (909) (out @ 9th) 1
MBRN | [saigo] (1624) 2-1 Deemo (1193) (out @ 9th) 1
Pega (919) 2-0 TFL | Deiros (663) (out @ 9th) 1
Oatt (1567) 2-0 CaptainComfy (1250) (out @ 9th) 1
ken123103 (1959) 2-1 D_Crow (1281) (out @ 9th) 1
Syzygy (780) 2-1 g (524) (out @ 9th) 1
SnorlaxSam (1388) 2-0 Z.F | Winter (917) (out @ 9th) 1
jmoff (1889) 2-0 Cpoc (1436) (out @ 9th) 1
russellsprowts (1284) 2-0 Grimace (1021) (out @ 9th) 1
HD | NanditoTheBandito (877) 2-0 Heathbar (621) (out @ 9th) 1
AKG | AzteKZZz (782) 2-0 Jackthan (526) (out @ 9th) 1
Snaps (1543) 2-1 GCFOX (1274) (out @ 9th) 1
Seab (783) 2-0 Seris (527) (out @ 9th) 1
chasu (1942) 2-0 Nolo (1331) (out @ 9th) 1
SwankyDoodle (914) 2-1 GEM | Manmanboz (658) (out @ 9th) 1
KaZe (958) 2-0 Bozo (702) (out @ 9th) 1
Re: HeRo (1010) 2-1 Ancient wizard | Akiah (754) (out @ 9th) 1
RJBC | Megafauna (811) 2-1 Bohemian Pigeon (555) (out @ 9th) 1
a5vNanaya (1682) 2-1 Flats (1135) (out @ 9th) 1
Agi (1528) 2-0 DCG | Handy Man (777) (out @ 9th) 1
TuT (1660) 2-1 Lambert (1413) (out @ 13th) 1
Cyber (1584) 2-0 thedogofmind (1489) (out @ 13th) 1
Toyley (1616) 2-0 vegagold (1457) (out @ 13th) 1
TSG | Killaseed (1913) 2-1 Mani (1155) (out @ 13th) 1
Twilight | SpicE (1909) 2-0 Velouria (1159) (out @ 13th) 1
Rivern (1881) 2-0 cybrnova (1189) (out @ 13th) 1
chuwii (1839) 2-0 Nah Im Black (1233) (out @ 13th) 1
Khal (1950) 2-0 Cezo (1041) (out @ 13th) 1
Beefan4 (1939) 2-0 ChromeGonzalez (1106) (out @ 13th) 1
strawhatant (1651) 2-1 ALU | FS | woahkeny (1422) (out @ 13th) 1
Bunnz (1723) 2-1 SaulX2016 (1349) (out @ 13th) 1
Key (1653) 2-1 GOOF | Sleeps (1420) (out @ 13th) 1
witness (1546) 2-0 Dehbuh (1527) (out @ 13th) 1
MF (1831) 2-0 Rafiki (1241) (out @ 13th) 1
Darkstar (1790) 2-0 HK | Telmo (1282) (out @ 13th) 1
AceKikoken (1686) 2-0 LMC (1387) (out @ 13th) 1
j (1552) 2-1 Nshimada (1521) (out @ 13th) 1
NuXuN (1725) 2-0 Bunth (1347) (out @ 13th) 1

Winners - NotableLast game, potential upset

Top 8

Score Upset Factor
Sparg0 (2) 3-2 Zomba (11) 5
T1 | MkLeo (1) 3-2 Sparg0 (2) 1

Top 64

Score Upset Factor
Zomba (11) 3-2 Paragon | Myran (35) 4
GUMP | Teaser (46) 3-2 Biggymouth (142) 4
Cryme | Chag (13) 3-2 EMG | Riddles (20) 1

R2 Pools

Score Upset Factor
Moist | Maister (6) 2-1 $$$ (262) 12
T1 | MkLeo (1) 2-1 varun (64) 11
Kola (7) 2-1 BRAVO | WhiteFang (250) 10
Elegant (12) 2-1 Portix (245) 9
Cryme | Chag (13) 2-1 Free Agent | WeaponRaid (269) 9
Gackt (16) 2-1 Dr. Iggy (272) 9
605 | SKITTLES!! (47) 2-1 YashClifBar | latios (431) 7
SHZ | Big D (59) 2-1 Rjbc | WINE-O (710) 7
MYD | PeW (101) 2-1 Inferno Rem (1180) 7
Zomba (11) 2-1 NVR | yonni (75) 6
TFL | frawg (73) 2-1 MOB | Felix (696) 6
CLG | VoiD (26) 2-1 GURG | Marce (231) 6
PAR | Scend (29) 2-1 lol | FrostKqt (228) 6
Vikerkaar (238) 2-1 Zeldafan (1949) 6
WIZ | AndresFn (36) 2-1 3xA (292) 6
LVD | BassMage (28) 2-1 JoJoDaHoBo (165) 5
CM | Stroder Ame (57) 2-1 Fusion (313) 5
LOSC | Flow (58) 2-1 BRAVO | Jbrav (314) 5
polka (353) 2-1 Yume (1936) 5
Dark Wizzy (48) 2-1 Lov | Troubles (209) 5
605 | SKITTLES!! (47) 2-1 Olympia (210) 5
Paragon | Myran (35) 2-1 FORT | Cless (163) 4
CM | Stroder Ame (57) 2-1 APLE | Debo! (185) 3
NVR | yonni (75) 2-1 Melo (203) 3
Mazer | Cyro (123) 2-1 Katar (379) 3
MP | RockMan (106) 2-1 Nessboy12 (362) 3
Lui$ (17) 2-1 Dark Wizzy (48) 2
Aaron (65) 2-1 Felix! (192) 2
CG | UCI | T3 DOM (74) 2-1 Justin22 | Justin22 (183) 2
8BitMan (69) 2-1 VCA | Purple~H (188) 2
ZD (70) 2-1 Mitsu (187) 2
NVR | yonni (75) 2-1 Tyrant (182) 2
Oryon (76) 2-1 B-Rice (181) 2
MFA (71) 2-1 KRU | Smirk (186) 2
Red Rooster/ET | EKING (85) 2-1 716 | iModerz (172) 2
FURIA | Fatality (25) 2-1 VGBC | Pink Fresh (40) 1
LOSC | Flow (58) 2-1 MFA (71) 1
NickC (116) 2-1 AURA | Peanut (141) 1
MaRune (322) 2-1 FS | exJORDANary (447) 1

R1 Pools

Score Upset Factor
Tweek (3) 2-1 APLE | Yrneh (510) 15
Panda | ESAM (10) 2-1 DE | Justice (503) 11
Moist | Goblin (22) 2-1 A | | Future Doctor (534) 10
Skyjay (31) 2-1 TTV | YoModdaFoo (543) 9
varun (64) 2-1 Evil Bez (1473) 9
RR | BB | Headshot (138) 2-1 Makaveli (1674) 7
MFA (71) 2-1 Glaive (954) 7
DIV3 | FRKS | Grayson (68) 2-1 HONDA ALOE (957) 7
MoDzai (128) 2-1 Vajmuas (1152) 7
CM | Stroder Ame (57) 2-1 SERF | ERA (456) 6
BMS | Ogey (60) 2-1 BGC | RiskTKR (453) 6
SHZ | Big D (59) 2-1 TE | Katy Parry (454) 6
LOSC | Flow (58) 2-1 HK | Jimrude (455) 6
Marvelous_Marco (136) 2-1 ikari (1160) 6
Nth | Nao (77) 2-1 jab (436) 5
Jahzz0 (99) 2-1 BU | Lookkrung (611) 5
DMG | Lavish (110) 2-1 Seto (622) 5
GURG | Marce (231) 2-1 Jasoona (1255) 5
CC | AHero (164) 2-1 YoRHa | Spikefire (861) 5
HH | Jericho (347) 2-1 azrael (1701) 5
Xaria (319) 2-1 Noboru (1729) 5
WORMS | sern (326) 2-1 Takos (1722) 5
Dr. Iggy (272) 2-1 SteelShot (1776) 5
Legit (126) 2-1 Taipan | Jimmychanga (387) 4
ven (125) 2-1 Blane (388) 4
Versed Ace (113) 2-1 CSU | Robber (400) 4
MP | RockMan (106) 2-1 Armo (407) 4
IE | MOTH | Mind (161) 2-1 mysugah (673) 4
Olympia (210) 2-1 CrimsonShadows (815) 4
Wey (241) 2-1 Gcamp (784) 4
JuMpZ (340) 2-1 RCM | Sarma (1364) 4
BRAVO | WhiteFang (250) 2-1 Lil Razzle (775) 4
CrowZ (369) 2-1 Kestryl (1393) 4
Kusa (270) 2-1 Scout (1294) 4
Dumpy (497) 2-1 j (1552) 4
Roo (504) 2-1 That1Guy (1545) 4
MCT (409) 2-1 Sir C (1128) 3
bran (337) 2-1 Riot (849) 3
Splash Daddy (194) 2-1 Oats (706) 3
Nessboy12 | renteks (276) 2-1 Karp (788) 3
Defacaz (676) 2-1 JIB (1699) 3
FONC | John SSGSSUI Hyper Redux (617) 2-1 Armada | Bluigi (1641) 3
Trippy (614) 2-1 Universe (1126) 2
Baren (424) 2-1 MBS | Steven (936) 2
LNR UCI | Ignaize (153) 2-1 FGFC | Fillie (360) 2
Zen (170) 2-1 Jaaahsh (343) 2
716 | iModerz (172) 2-1 Jin~Tek (341) 2
Teb (177) 2-1 Lov | Infamous (336) 2
Kyros (135) 2-1 Lift (378) 2
StellarMod (382) 2-1 FlamingBox (643) 2
IC | Jehtt (380) 2-1 RS | Neves (645) 2
LKA | JayFlyT (304) 2-1 TFL | Skrawk (721) 2
Death Arcana (309) 2-1 bunko (716) 2
Ako (324) 2-1 Johnnylaw (701) 2
Weisa (384) 2-1 TPG | Nesto (641) 2
FS | TCTH | NU | SETHsational (258) 2-1 Nuhuh (767) 2
sans. | Moose (675) 2-1 Tales (1374) 2
Titan (355) 2-1 Skydra (670) 2
sujia (345) 2-1 UCSD | Sphinx (680) 2
Riddler (834) 2-1 NSBS | R0 (1856) 2
#BuyMyBook | iDK (546) 2-1 damndaniel (1503) 2
Kei (548) 2-1 Mr. J (1501) 2
JoshuaGC (540) 2-1 Cyanese (1509) 2
Zerker (533) 2-1 Jonah (1516) 2
PB | Chibi (513) 2-1 Squid (1536) 2
XBerZerkX (532) 2-1 r3Tro!?! (1517) 2
Sandyballz (637) 2-1 Illumnappy (1412) 2
LightSpeed (765) 2-1 russellsprowts (1284) 2
Nahiku (763) 2-1 Claydough (1286) 2
Ari (679) 2-1 EvBot (1370) 2
neopetsuser17 (694) 2-1 GH | Māvan (1355) 2
Frenzy (759) 2-1 GGS | Kudurru (1290) 2
TPG | Nesto (641) 2-1 HH | dade (1408) 2
Natron (556) 2-1 DSCD | michaelsoft (1493) 2
IC | MoMo (570) 2-1 V Sensei (1479) 2
Hobo40 (742) 2-1 1MFBI | Piston (1307) 2
Skylar (246) 2-1 Ave~ (267) 1
MOB | Felix (696) 2-1 Saltlord (841) 1
Olympia (210) 2-1 HH | MOTH | SCHMO (303) 1
OSU | Domnique (204) 2-1 Death Arcana (309) 1
ØWL | Tree (764) 2-1 chenboy3 (773) 1
BRAVO | WhiteFang (250) 2-1 brandon (263) 1
Portix (245) 2-1 EWA | Fizzmint (268) 1
VR|BSC | Nexus (225) 2-1 [0.0]n11ChaN^.^ -L- wOw (288) 1
Yep (214) 2-1 Rickles (299) 1
Krow (925) 2-1 ShAD | Bandit (1124) 1
Peter (986) 2-1 ReddWolfe (1063) 1
AAG | Rei (953) 2-1 Nine-Ten (1096) 1
AZ | Dada (952) 2-1 CNST | dreamland (1097) 1
!7777777777777 | 77, 77, 777, 77, 7 777 7 (997) 2-1 Minus (1052) 1
TS | Remigiotto (1019) 2-1 Charm ELPE | hoppyKnitz (1030) 1
melonjoi (977) 2-1 Rxullo (1072) 1
KRU | Kaweeta (965) 2-1 Chase'n (1084) 1
Glaive (954) 2-1 Brett (1095) 1
BOAT (422) 2-1 BTM | Peon (603) 1
MCT (409) 2-1 Rena475 (616) 1
TFL | Zetami (484) 2-1 TreeWiz (541) 1
OAK | HUEVOS (413) 2-1 RBG | Sceptile (612) 1
HK | Jimrude (455) 2-1 IC | MoMo (570) 1
Vegeta (470) 2-1 Bohemian Pigeon (555) 1
Zed (478) 2-1 chickncup (547) 1
FS | exJORDANary (447) 2-1 TCM | Krustol (578) 1
CG | NessNEO (390) 2-1 #raw | Quicksylvr (635) 1
Armo (407) 2-1 KillaBranFlakes (618) 1
Dobos (404) 2-1 Heathbar (621) 1
SA | CC | HAHA | fear (462) 2-1 MzT | MAIKO (563) 1
Lumi (438) 2-1 Proctavia (587) 1
Blane (388) 2-1 Sandyballz (637) 1
Genesis (420) 2-1 SDC | kendrik (605) 1
Baren (424) 2-1 AstroWave (601) 1
stuff (1005) 2-1 SAB | Santi (1044) 1
MBS | Steven (936) 2-1 CAA NSU | M4 (1113) 1
Jerranex (1018) 2-1 imthinkingman (1031) 1
Tcat (1015) 2-1 PR | Mickey (1034) 1
Jam (898) 2-1 Poda (1151) 1
Yasu (916) 2-1 Mythicbird (1133) 1
GAZE | ENDO (771) 2-1 Pupusa (1278) 1
Jpeg (856) 2-1 Deemo (1193) 1
TCM | PandaKing (774) 2-1 Bukhankas (1275) 1
Super Friends | Brandon (836) 2-1 TV | Shyguy_Z (1213) 1
TFTI | Gr33nme93 (853) 2-1 Wolx (1196) 1
chenboy3 (773) 2-1 Game 3 (1276) 1
YoRHa | Spikefire (861) 2-1 Tharpy (1188) 1
925r | joeybaba (883) 2-1 Kelso (1166) 1
Dr.Smash64 (888) 2-1 honeydew (1161) 1
Cole (843) 2-1 ewaller (1206) 1
DBQ | Reyond (850) 2-1 Suit (1199) 1
Atom (879) 2-1 Tape Gaming | Laelaps (1170) 1
MetalMusicMan (807) 2-1 aka | Ryuku (1242) 1
BHAM! | Arpeggio (873) 2-1 EMAIL (1176) 1

Losers - NotableLast game, potential upset

Top 64

Score Upset Factor